Thursday 2 October 2014

Get Inspired by Nature and Create for Peace and Beauty....

Autumn has always fascinated me... The beauty of nature is indeed astounding... With friends, and by myself, I have always indulged myself and every autumn I have taken walks though the marvels of Mother Nature...

Autumn is inspirational...and colours are enchanting and soothing too...
I take a long walk whenever I feel down and Mother Nature clams me out of the negativity in life... 

Autumn always open up to new dreams and new vision... It makes me travel far and away... My imagination soars and I shed the negative feelings ... Mother Nature is always motherly...

Autumn opens up the elegant beauty of nature... The swans add a romantic touch to all the colours...
Tchaikovsky and the Swan Lake swirl in the air...
Visit PixoHub in the autumn...enjoy New Hampshire...

Autumn at Lake of the Woods in Ontario, Canada...
I have walked through the woods and enjoyed the beauty of Ontario...
After a week of foul-walled-classroom...the colours of Ontario have blessed me with tranquility...

Autumn...and the drive to downtown Toronto on the Don Valley Parkway... is unique and made me forget the big city...
Autumn at Credit River...right around the corner where I used to teach...

Autumn and the Maples along Erin Mills.... it was nice to negotiate the roads from day school to night school...through the woods...
Autumn is inspirational...makes me realize how thoughtful people add to the beauty of Nature...
Check below the architecture of the new complexes...

Recently a former student sent a note... The students, he wrote, do not appreciate the older building of the university...but I love them ... 
The accumulated knowledge of the old... and the daring challenge of the new... completes my vision of the future...

Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava has completed a building with a cage-like exterior for the newly established Florida Polytechnic University 
Florida Polytechnic is inspiring a new vision...
The beauty of Nature and the visionary architecture... enchants the environment...

A building at Ontario College of Art and Design University in Toronto, designed by Will Alsop while 

I have strolled down this roads so many time... There is a small park nearby...I have played with the birds in there...
Toronto is beautiful...Explore and enhance your vision...

Helsinki University main Anttinen Oiva Architects...
Indeed it will invite anyone to learn and to read and to dream for a better tomorrow...
The open space is peaceful and serene...

Urbanus completed the South University of technology's Library recently in Shezhen. 
The library is in the central area of the campus ....students have to walk through or past the building everyday...

...And the rest...of university campuses...
Check the beauty...Check the soaring of human vision...
Get inspired by the colours of autumn and soar high...

The Bioinnova building was designed by Tatiana Bilbao for a site on the edge of the Monterrey Institute of Technology's Culiacán campus in the Mexican state

Coffee shop in Vietnam...Unlike your Starbucks

Inspirational campuses and universities....
Get Inspired by the ingenuity of the human mind... and CREATE beauty of your own...
Check the visionary sample below...from campuses around the world...
Vision and beauty...
Daring imagination...

Human ingenuity complementing Mother Nature...

Get inspired and float over the lake..Come up with new ideas.... and soar high...

Make the boxes beautiful...Smash the four-wall-blindness...
The four-walls are malleable when your imagination leads you to new visions...
Learn from the old...and create the new....future of the Global Village...
PEACE on Earth...

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